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Yoga For Beginners & Advanced Yoga Sex

Yoga that will blow your mind

Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

The words “yoga” and “sex” aren’t usually used in the same sentence. Being unsexy is one of the reasons why yoga hasn’t seen widespread adoption, but with this article, we’re going to spin this dorky characteristic on its head.

Due to curiosity, you’re more likely to continue practicing an activity if you keep learning more about it. If you want to progress and master something, you should read about its history and how it came into being.

core strength

Unlike what most people think, yoga is much more than a few poses. Yoga aims at bringing you physically, mentally and spirituality into unison. It originated in ancient India and is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophical traditions.

Yoga was first mentioned in Rigveda and has been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions. It was most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India’s ascetic and śramaṇa movements.

The most prominent of the yoga texts is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which dates from the first half of the 1st millennium CE. Although being such an old practice, yoga only gained prominence in the West in the 20th Century. Fun fact – yoga was listed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage on December 1, 2016. Okay, enough with the history now, let’s get into yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex.

Why Yoga?

The Ultimate Yoga Kit

Before we get into the yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex, let’s talk about the benefits of yoga and why you should be making it a part of your routine. Unbeknownst to you, your yoga posing practice can transform your life in more ways than you could imagine.

Improves Flexibility

yoga poses for flexibility

An improvement in flexibility is one of the most underplayed benefits of yoga. The yoga poses can help you stretch out your complete body on an area as small as your exercise mat. Practicing yoga regularly can eradicate tense muscles and reduce muscle stiffness.

If you have low mobility or are recovering from an injury, yoga can be the answer to your problems. New yoga forms that include your pets like dog, goat, and cat yoga can bring a new dimension to the activity and can help in improving your bond with your pet.

Better Cardiovascular Fitness

Some studies have found that yoga can have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health. Yoga can help in lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension. Another study found that practicing yoga improved lipid profiles in healthy patients as well as patients with known coronary artery disease.

In people with non-insulin dependent diabetes, yoga lowered excessive blood sugar levels and reduced their dependence on medications. A research done in Norway found that yoga can strengthen your immune system at the cellular level.

Practise Mindfulness & Soulfulness

mindful yoga

Many of the yoga poses require you to chant “Om” and/or focus on your breath. Such processes can rekindle your connection to your mind and soul. The more you practice yoga, the more you’ll immerse and elevate yourself to a higher state.

The mindfulness isn’t limited to the time you’re doing yoga. Its carried forward to your daily routine including eating, reading, and even the cumbersome chores. The psychological benefits of yoga are unmistakenly evident.

Protects Your Heart

According to Larry Phillips, M.D., and cardiologist at the NYU Langone Medical Center, yoga can reduce high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and stress, which are all risk factors for heart diseases. And not just active yoga poses, doing passive posses can help with the healthy functioning of your heart.

Performing savasana (the corpse pose), according to a study, is associated with greater improvements in blood pressure compared to simply lying on the couch. Even the medical experts are acknowledging the benefits of yoga and it’s being included in many cardiac rehabilitation programs.

Better Body Image

Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

Yoga is much more than an activity for shedding a few extra pounds. Performing the asanas (poses) will make you feel a connection with your body like you’ve never felt before. Doing yoga will push you to be kinder and more accommodating with yourself.

Forget the wannabe hashtags on Instagram, you’ll learn the true meaning of #selflove once you get into yoga. On a lighter note – when Wired, OkCupid, and Match analyzed the 1,000 most popular words used by men and women in their dating profiles, they found that people who mention yoga are ranked among the most attractive of online singles.

Sex is Amazing!

Now let’s get to what most of us are here for – the sex. Practicing yoga can tone your muscles, improve flexibility, increase core stability, and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. Guess what all these benefits can translate into. That’s right – incredible sex.

Don’t be surprised if you feel sexier as you become stronger and more confident. Be ready to see your libido and orgasms go through the roof after you start doing yoga regularly. More on the advanced yoga poses for sex to come later in the article. Keep reading because the climax will be worth the wait.

Yoga Poses For Beginners

Mountain Pose

mountain pose

The mountain pose is one of the easiest yoga poses. No matter at what time of the day you practice yoga, you should perform the mountain pose first thing in the morning to start the day on the right foot.

Stand upright with your feet together, shoulders relaxed, arms at sides, and weight evenly distributed on both your legs. While taking a deep breath, extend your arms overhead and point your palms towards each other. While keeping your heels planted on the floor, try to reach up by extending and stretching your body.

Downward Dog

Yoga poses for beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

The downward dog pose looks like an “A” formation. Start in a push-up position with hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Press your hips toward the ceiling and get the body into an inverted V position.

Walk hands a few inches forward while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Your heels should be touching the floor at all times throughout the exercise. You’ll feel a stretch in your complete body, especially the posterior chain.

Bridge Pose

bridge pose

Lie down with your back on an exercise mat with knees bent and directly over the heels. Place your arms at your sides with your palms facing the floor. While exhaling, lift your hips off the floor by driving through your pelvic muscles and pressing your feet into the floor.

Clasp hands under lower back and press down your arms. Lift your hips while bringing the chest toward the chin until the thighs are parallel to the floor.


cobra pose

Lie facedown on an exercise mat with your hands directly under shoulders. Push through your arms as you raise your chest while pressing the hips downward as you squeeze your glutes. While you’re at the top of the movement, keep your shoulders down and as far away from the ears as possible.

Child’s Pose

Yoga poses for beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

Start in a relaxed position by sitting on your heels. Bring your forehead to rest on the exercise mat by rolling your torso forward. Lower your chest as close to your knees as you can while fully extending your arms forward.

Warrior II

warrior pose

Stand with your feet placed 3-4 feet apart. Turn your right foot out 90-degrees while bringing in your left foot slightly. Extend your arms out to the sides while keeping your palms facing down. Get into the pose by bending your right knee 90-degrees while keeping the knee over ankle.

Gaze out over the right hand while maintaining a slight bend in your left knee. Hold the position for a minute before switching sides.

Triangle Pose

triangle pose

Stand with your feet placed 3 feet apart. Turn your right toe out to 90-degrees and the left foot to 45-degrees. Extend your arms out to the sides, and then bend over your right leg. Allow your right hand to touch the floor, and extend your left toward the ceiling. Turn your gaze toward the ceiling. Hold the pose for five seconds before switching sides.

Tree Pose

tree pose

Stand with your torso upright and arms at your sides. Lift your right leg off the floor and shift your weight onto the left leg. After you gain balance on your left foot, place the right foot inside the left thigh. While inhaling, extend your arms over shoulders with the palms facing each other. Hold the pose for five seconds and then switch legs.

Seated Twist

Yoga poses for beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Bend your left knee and cross the right foot over the outside of the left thigh. Place your left elbow to the outside of the right knee and the right palm on the floor behind you. Twist to your right as far as you can by turning at your abdomen. Switch sides after holding the pose for 30 seconds.

Crow Pose

crow pose

Start in the downward dog position (palms pressed into mat, feet hip-width apart) and walk forward until your knees touch the upper arms. Bend your elbows, lift the heels off the floor, and rest the knees against the outside of your upper arms. While doing the pose, make sure your toes are planted on the floor, abs are engaged and legs are pressed against the arms.

Pigeon Pose

Yoga poses for beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex

Begin the pigeon pose in a full push-up position with your hands placed under the shoulders. Get down on your elbows so they’re under your shoulder with your palms and forearms planted flat on the floor. Place the left knee on the floor near your right shoulder with the left heel under the right hip. Hold for five seconds before switching sides.

Advanced Sex Poses

We saved the desserts for the last. While these poses aren’t something you can (or should!) try during sex, they will help in strengthening your libido and sex drive. The yoga poses mentioned below will work the muscles which are engaged during sex.

Reclined Cobbler Pose

reclined cobbler pose

Start by lying on your back with the soles of your feet together, and knees open out to the sides. Place your right hand over the heart and left on the belly. Support backs of the thighs with blankets or blocks (even if you are super flexible) to feel the sensation of support in the glutes. Take full, deep breaths for circulating energy in the hips, and bringing softness into the chest.

Squat To Low Lunge

low lunge

Place both hands between your feet while in a squatting position. Step one leg back into a lunge while ensuring that the front knee is over the toes, and not past them. Keep extending the back leg by internally rotating the inner thigh up and back towards the ceiling and reaching through the back heel.

Breathe deeply, sending chest forward and hips back. The more the hips drop – while the core draws in and up – the more integrated your flexibility will be in your sexual practice. Hold the lunge for 7 seconds before switching sides.

Downward Dog To Squat

Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex The words "yoga" and "sex" aren't usually used in the same sentence. Being unsexy is one of the reasons why yoga hasn't seen widespread adoption, but with this article, we're going to spin this dorky characteristic on its head. Due to curiosity, you're more likely to continue practicing an activity if you keep learning more about it. If you want to progress and master something, you should read about its history and how it came into being. Unlike what most people think, yoga is much more than a few poses. Yoga aims at bringing you physically, mentally and spirituality into unison. It originated in ancient India and is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophical traditions. Yoga was first mentioned in Rigveda and has been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian traditions. It was most likely developed around the sixth and fifth centuries BCE, in ancient India's ascetic and śramaṇa movements. The most prominent of the yoga texts is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which dates from the first half of the 1st millennium CE. Although being such an old practice, yoga only gained prominence in the West in the 20th Century. Fun fact - yoga was listed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage on December 1, 2016. Okay, enough with the history now, let's get into yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex. Why Yoga? Before we get into the yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex, let's talk about the benefits of yoga and why you should be making it a part of your routine. Unbeknownst to you, your yoga posing practice can transform your life in more ways than you could imagine. Improves Flexibility An improvement in flexibility is one of the most underplayed benefits of yoga. The yoga poses can help you stretch out your complete body on an area as small as your exercise mat. Practicing yoga regularly can eradicate tense muscles and reduce muscle stiffness. If you have low mobility or are recovering from an injury, yoga can be the answer to your problems. New yoga forms that include your pets like dog, goat, and cat yoga can bring a new dimension to the activity and can help in improving your bond with your pet. Better Cardiovascular Fitness Some studies have found that yoga can have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health. Yoga can help in lowering blood pressure in people with hypertension. Another study found that practicing yoga improved lipid profiles in healthy patients as well as patients with known coronary artery disease. In people with non-insulin dependent diabetes, yoga lowered excessive blood sugar levels and reduced their dependence on medications. A research done in Norway found that yoga can strengthen your immune system at the cellular level. Practise Mindfulness & Soulfulness Many of the yoga poses require you to chant "Om" and/or focus on your breath. Such processes can rekindle your connection to your mind and soul. The more you practice yoga, the more you'll immerse and elevate yourself to a higher state. The mindfulness isn't limited to the time you're doing yoga. Its carried forward to your daily routine including eating, reading, and even the cumbersome chores. The psychological benefits of yoga are unmistakenly evident. Protects Your Heart According to Larry Phillips, M.D., and cardiologist at the NYU Langone Medical Center, yoga can reduce high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and stress, which are all risk factors for heart diseases. And not just active yoga poses, doing passive posses can help with the healthy functioning of your heart. Performing savasana (the corpse pose), according to a study, is associated with greater improvements in blood pressure compared to simply lying on the couch. Even the medical experts are acknowledging the benefits of yoga and it's being included in many cardiac rehabilitation programs. Better Body Image Yoga is much more than an activity for shedding a few extra pounds. Performing the asanas (poses) will make you feel a connection with your body like you've never felt before. Doing yoga will push you to be kinder and more accommodating with yourself. Forget the wannabe hashtags on Instagram, you'll learn the true meaning of #selflove once you get into yoga. On a lighter note - when Wired, OkCupid, and Match analyzed the 1,000 most popular words used by men and women in their dating profiles, they found that people who mention yoga are ranked among the most attractive of online singles. Sex is Amazing! Now let's get to what most of us are here for - the sex. Practicing yoga can tone your muscles, improve flexibility, increase core stability, and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles. Guess what all these benefits can translate into. That's right - incredible sex. Don't be surprised if you feel sexier as you become stronger and more confident. Be ready to see your libido and orgasms go through the roof after you start doing yoga regularly. More on the advanced yoga poses for sex to come later in the article. Keep reading because the climax will be worth the wait. Yoga Poses For Beginners Mountain Pose The mountain pose is one of the easiest yoga poses. No matter at what time of the day you practice yoga, you should perform the mountain pose first thing in the morning to start the day on the right foot. Stand upright with your feet together, shoulders relaxed, arms at sides, and weight evenly distributed on both your legs. While taking a deep breath, extend your arms overhead and point your palms towards each other. While keeping your heels planted on the floor, try to reach up by extending and stretching your body. Downward Dog The downward dog pose looks like an "A" formation. Start in a push-up position with hands directly under shoulders and knees under hips. Press your hips toward the ceiling and get the body into an inverted V position. Walk hands a few inches forward while keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Your heels should be touching the floor at all times throughout the exercise. You'll feel a stretch in your complete body, especially the posterior chain. Bridge Pose Lie down with your back on an exercise mat with knees bent and directly over the heels. Place your arms at your sides with your palms facing the floor. While exhaling, lift your hips off the floor by driving through your pelvic muscles and pressing your feet into the floor. Clasp hands under lower back and press down your arms. Lift your hips while bringing the chest toward the chin until the thighs are parallel to the floor. Cobra Lie facedown on an exercise mat with your hands directly under shoulders. Push through your arms as you raise your chest while pressing the hips downward as you squeeze your glutes. While you're at the top of the movement, keep your shoulders down and as far away from the ears as possible. Child's Pose Start in a relaxed position by sitting on your heels. Bring your forehead to rest on the exercise mat by rolling your torso forward. Lower your chest as close to your knees as you can while fully extending your arms forward. Warrior II Stand with your feet placed 3-4 feet apart. Turn your right foot out 90-degrees while bringing in your left foot slightly. Extend your arms out to the sides while keeping your palms facing down. Get into the pose by bending your right knee 90-degrees while keeping the knee over ankle. Gaze out over the right hand while maintaining a slight bend in your left knee. Hold the position for a minute before switching sides. Triangle Pose Stand with your feet placed 3 feet apart. Turn your right toe out to 90-degrees and the left foot to 45-degrees. Extend your arms out to the sides, and then bend over your right leg. Allow your right hand to touch the floor, and extend your left toward the ceiling. Turn your gaze toward the ceiling. Hold the pose for five seconds before switching sides. Tree Pose Stand with your torso upright and arms at your sides. Lift your right leg off the floor and shift your weight onto the left leg. After you gain balance on your left foot, place the right foot inside the left thigh. While inhaling, extend your arms over shoulders with the palms facing each other. Hold the pose for five seconds and then switch legs. Seated Twist Sit on the floor with your legs extended forward. Bend your left knee and cross the right foot over the outside of the left thigh. Place your left elbow to the outside of the right knee and the right palm on the floor behind you. Twist to your right as far as you can by turning at your abdomen. Switch sides after holding the pose for 30 seconds. Crow Pose Start in the downward dog position (palms pressed into mat, feet hip-width apart) and walk forward until your knees touch the upper arms. Bend your elbows, lift the heels off the floor, and rest the knees against the outside of your upper arms. While doing the pose, make sure your toes are planted on the floor, abs are engaged and legs are pressed against the arms. Pigeon Pose Begin the pigeon pose in a full push-up position with your hands placed under the shoulders. Get down on your elbows so they're under your shoulder with your palms and forearms planted flat on the floor. Place the left knee on the floor near your right shoulder with the left heel under the right hip. Hold for five seconds before switching sides. Advanced Sex Poses We saved the desserts for the last. While these poses aren't something you can (or should!) try during sex, they will help in strengthening your libido and sex drive. The yoga poses mentioned below will work the muscles which are engaged during sex. Reclined Cobbler Pose Start by lying on your back with the soles of your feet together, and knees open out to the sides. Place your right hand over the heart and left on the belly. Support backs of the thighs with blankets or blocks (even if you are super flexible) to feel the sensation of support in the glutes. Take full, deep breaths for circulating energy in the hips, and bringing softness into the chest. Squat To Low Lunge Place both hands between your feet while in a squatting position. Step one leg back into a lunge while ensuring that the front knee is over the toes, and not past them. Keep extending the back leg by internally rotating the inner thigh up and back towards the ceiling and reaching through the back heel. Breathe deeply, sending chest forward and hips back. The more the hips drop - while the core draws in and up - the more integrated your flexibility will be in your sexual practice. Hold the lunge for 7 seconds before switching sides. Downward Dog To Squat From the downward dog pose, rise onto the balls of feet and jump forward. Land with soft knees with the feet mat-width apart. Bend knees completely to allow the tailbone to drop for a deep squat. Bring the first two fingers of each hand to hold onto the big toes in a yogi toe lock. Engage the pelvic floor as the hips drop for creating a dual action of tightening and releasing right at the base of the torso. Focus on this push-pull to generate consciousness and sensation, and move that awareness up through the spine and up to the crown of the head. Low Lunge To Twist From the low lunge position drop the back leg so the knee and top of the thigh are resting on the floor. Reach back with the opposite hand as you bend at the knee while bringing the hand to the outside of the foot. Look up towards the ceiling. Hold, then return to low lunge. Wide-Legged Forward Fold With Bent Knee From a wide-legged forward fold, bend one knee and place both the hands on the outside of the opposite extended leg. Lengthen your torso over the extended leg, and reach back with the opposite hip to create resistance. Hold the position for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side. Downward Dog To Camel Pose Now comes the most complicated pose of the yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex guide. Start in the downward dog position and move forward into the plank pose to prep the body before moving back into the downward dog. Rise on the balls of the feet and jump forward, landing softly on shins with knees in line with hands, parallel and hip-width distance apart. Bring hands to the heels, opening up the shoulders and releasing the neck. We hope you liked Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex, but before you go, you might want to check these out: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics How To Lose Belly Fat Building Lean Muscles Over 40 The Ultimate Sore Knee Remedy Guide

From the downward dog pose, rise onto the balls of feet and jump forward. Land with soft knees with the feet mat-width apart. Bend knees completely to allow the tailbone to drop for a deep squat. Bring the first two fingers of each hand to hold onto the big toes in a yogi toe lock.

Engage the pelvic floor as the hips drop for creating a dual action of tightening and releasing right at the base of the torso. Focus on this push-pull to generate consciousness and sensation, and move that awareness up through the spine and up to the crown of the head.

Low Lunge To Twist

From the low lunge position drop the back leg so the knee and top of the thigh are resting on the floor. Place your hand on your knee while bringing the other hand to the outside of the foot. Look up towards the ceiling. Hold, then return to low lunge.

Wide-Legged Forward Fold With Bent Knee

Wide-Legged Forward Fold With Bent Knee

From a wide-legged forward fold, bend one knee and place both the hands on the outside of the opposite extended leg. Lengthen your torso over the extended leg, and reach back with the opposite hip to create resistance. Hold the position for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Downward Dog To Camel Pose

Image result for Downward Dog To Camel Pose GIF

Now comes the most complicated pose of the yoga poses for beginners and advanced yoga sex guide. Start in the downward dog position and move forward into the plank pose to prep the body before moving back into the downward dog. Rise on the balls of the feet and jump forward, landing softly on shins with knees in line with hands, parallel and hip-width distance apart. Bring hands to the heels, opening up the shoulders and releasing the neck.

We hope you liked Yoga Poses For Beginners and Advanced Yoga Sex, but before you go, you might want to check these out:

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Calisthenics

How To Lose Belly Fat

Building Lean Muscles Over 40

The Ultimate Sore Knee Remedy Guide

What do you think?

Written by Vidur

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